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Design Mill in the United Nations, New York

Design and production of travelling exhibitions abroad.

"A Monument of Good Deeds" – Dreams and Hopes of Children During the Holocaust
United Nations, New York// curators: Yeudit Inbar, 2012 January – April
"6 Million Prosecutors are Standing Here with Me" - Marking 50 Years Since the Eichmann Trial// Yad Vashem museum// curator: Yeudith Shen-Dar// vice-curator: Tal Kobo
1940-1945 Victory Has a Salty Taste – Testimonies of Jewish Soldiers in the Great Patriotic War
Travelling exhibition in Russia// curator: Tal Kobo

Design Mill - Work Processes
The studio’s professional team consists of industrial designers, architects, visual communication designers, media specialists, engineers and production teams that work together to provide a comprehensive response for every project, in every scale, while maintaining high standards and high quality execution. This is where you can see up-close what happens inside the Mill.

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